Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pick it up...

My four days off flew by, I really don't know where all the time goes. Spent some quality time with my family, I haven't seen them in a while. Spent an equal amount of time napping and watching the Olympics, why NBC never covers weightlifting like they do swimming I will never understand.

Tuesday morning went to my broski's local gymnasium to occupy some squat racks. Broski has never ever ever wanted or had a desire to do legs workout. The boy wants to be strong and a lady killer, how can you do that with small thighs? Answer: You can't. He finally expressed a desire that morning to join the his local gymnasium and start working legs. I've never been so proud.

Squats: (me) 185x5, 225x5, 275x8
(broski) 135x5, 165x5, 145x5 [Got tired]
Deadlift: (me) 225x5, 275x5, 300x3 [getting there!]
(broski) 165x2x5, 145x5 [FIRST TIME EVER]
calf raises, leg press/exten.
Clean/Presses: (me) 145x3x5
(broski) 95x3x5
Pendlay Rows: (me) 155x3x10
T BAR Rows: (broski) 90x3x8
Lat pulldowns/seated rows
Pullups: (myself and broski) BWx3x5
"Lawnmowers": (me) 100x2x8
(broski) 60x2x8

Other stuff has been going on with work and such. Lifting tomorrow with broski, another update coming tomorrow most likely. I'll finish this later, I'm tired.

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